International rollout of SlidePresenter at the Döhler Group

Improving knowledge transfer within the Döhler Group

Döhler is a global manufacturer, marketer & supplier of technology-based natural ingredients, ingredient systems and integrated solutions for the food, beverage and nutrition industry. More than 9,500 employees worldwide work for the company, which is headquartered in Darmstadt, Germany.

With the aim of improving knowledge transfer within the Döhler Group through the production and distribution of training courses for employees at locations worldwide, the company introduced SlidePresenter.

Interview with Petra Koten, Personnel Developer at Döhler

What are the benefits of using SlidePresenter for you and your company?

case-doehler-koten-minSlidePresenter enables us to better distribute knowledge within the company, but also to increase training efficiency. Especially since more than half of our employees work outside Germany. This offers us several solutions.

Firstly, SlidePresenter helps us to make our internal know-how more transparent. Up to now, we have had a large pool of PowerPoint presentations in our systems that employees can access. SlidePresenter enables us to bring this knowledge to life and make it more tangible. It is the right medium for us to illustrate this internal knowledge so that it can be used effectively beyond the provision of information.

A second point is the improvement of training efficiency. Until now, many training courses have been held via live webinars. However, with a global company like Döhler, there are delays in the training rollout simply due to scheduling across different time zones. In addition to the usual absences, unpredictability also adds up to a loss of efficiency in training.

With SlidePresenter, we can make learning modules permanently available and avoid all these problems. In this area, we achieve a 5 to 6 times faster rollout of training topics compared to webinar training.

What was the decisive factor in choosing SlidePresenter?

Overall, we were impressed by the combination of the ease of use and the options on offer. It is important to us to reach a very broad target group in the training sector with an easy-to-use system and to come a big step closer to our goal of making knowledge more transparent for our employees and communicating it better.

How do you rate the handling of SlidePresenter?

Synchronizing the slides and videos with SlidePresenter is very easy - you find your way around very quickly and have initial results in no time at all.

How was SlidePresenter received by your target group? How would you rate the success of SlidePresenter for your training purposes?

The new training medium has been very well received. The clear advantages are the international reach and the high degree of time flexibility for the learners.

How will you use SlidePresenter in the future? Do you have other application scenarios in mind?

Based on the positive feedback we have received, we intend to expand the training courses we offer in SlidePresenter format. We are taking a flexible and demand-oriented approach. So far, we have mainly created product training courses, but also process training for sales. These are to be expanded. In future, we also want to provide company-specific knowledge for the onboarding of new employees.

What do you particularly appreciate about the SlidePresenter solution?

Above all, that with SlidePresenter we have a very simple and user-friendly solution that we can use in a very versatile and effective way to distribute knowledge within the company.

Would you recommend SlidePresenter to colleagues in the industry?

Yes, I think that many colleagues have a similar situation to ours and would therefore benefit from using SlidePresenter.

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