"With SlidePresenter, we have created more knowledge content in one year than in the last 10 years on the intranet."

How KfW's award-winning video portal was implemented with SlidePresenter

On-demand knowledge transfer

Making knowledge transparent and available to all employees "on-demand": KfW is pursuing this goal with its in-house video portal, which is based on the SlidePresenter authoring tool. With the SlidePresenter software, all employees can create and share learning videos.

The video portal was developed as part of the "KfWplus" transformation agenda under the title "Learning NEW things together" under the leadership of Human Resources. Stephan Heyne, Head of HR Talent & Competence Management, describes the motivation: "Learning needs and how I learn have changed. Video portals and user-generated content play a key role in this."

"I have experienced how videos can be produced and edited with SlidePresenter, even by amateurs like me, by technically inexperienced people."

Employee-generated content requires simple tools


While KfW's HR department was previously largely responsible for the development of learning and training content, KfW is now increasingly relying on content created by employees (so-called user/employee generated content).

For such strategies to be successful, it is important that technical hurdles are as low as possible. Katrin Kretzschmar, Senior HR Manager at KfW, emphasizes: "I have experienced how videos can be produced and edited with SlidePresenter even by laypeople like me, by technically inexperienced people."

Watch the case study in the video:

Roll-out of the video portal at KfW

An internal KfW project team consisting of representatives from the HR and IT departments was formed for the roll-out of the video portal. The solution provider SlidePresenter provided them with a team for successful project implementation and strategic support.

Further implementation then took place at various levels: As part of strategic stakeholder communication, targeted events were offered to inform the management level, executives and central role holders at KfW about the innovations and advantages of the KfW video portal.

At the same time, over 60 suitable participants were identified across the organization for the first pioneer group. Thanks to their different interests, focus areas and seniority levels, they represented the requirements of all employees for the KfW Video Portal and became an important success factor for the roll-out. Regular feedback rounds in particular, but also numerous advisory and support formats, helped to identify the needs of employees, clarify questions and drive implementation processes forward.

In a second pioneer group, another 50 employees were able to test the video portal exclusively before the organization-wide go-live and share their experiences.

The company-wide roll-out was then accompanied by various communication measures. These included articles on the KfW intranet, special newsletters and information and onboarding events.


Quick success


Less than four months after the launch, 57 hours of knowledge content had already been published on the KfW video portal. Around 2,200 employees - almost a third of the workforce - had already registered as users. This shows the high level of interest and acceptance among the workforce for learning from employees for employees with the KfW Video Portal.

Stephan Heyne also attributes the success to the support provided by the SlidePresenter team: "The decisive factor was the cooperation with SlidePresenter's Customer Success Team, which is simply equipped with a lot of experience for such introductory projects, but also to ensure the long-term activation of our colleagues."


Winner of the eLearning Award 2023

The introduction of the KfW video portal was awarded the "eLearning Award 2023" by the eLearning Journal. The editors explain their decision: "The award jury is of the opinion that the video portal not only makes learning faster and more demand-oriented, but also preserves knowledge that would otherwise be lost in the long term. The KfW video portal is a simple solution that gives all employees access to knowledge content at any time when they need it "on-demand". This makes learning easier, more efficient and more effective."